When looking for a product or service the first thing an individual will do is grab their laptop or phone and search for potential companies that can provide them with what they need. If you don’t have a website how can you expect an individual to find you or do business with you? Gone are the days of looking through the yellow pages.
If you are wanting to grow as a business then having a website is a necessity. Today the world is becoming more and more digitally focused on aspects such as social media being a part of an everyday business activity.
There are some businesses now that seem to manage with just social media profiles and treat their Facebook page as their website. This can help to promote you but is no replacement for a fully functioning website where you can provide a much more tailored experience for your potential customers. Social media offers great opportunities and tools for business promotion but it limits your reach to the users of the platform and ignores anyone who does not use social media regularly.
A website is an invaluable resource both for your business and your customers. The best thing is once you’ve created a website it will be constantly marketing your products and services to potential customers. Why would you not invest in a one-off paid for marketing tool which continues to market your products and services forever?
Still not convinced? Then look below at the following reasons as to why a website is a must for your business.
You customer expects it
Really this should be reason enough. As stated above we are all on digital platforms whether it’s looking at our social media, googling something, booking a holiday or train ticket, the possibilities are endless as to why an individual may use the internet. Therefore why would you not have your business showcased online? It is where the majority of the population go to research and to buy products and services.
Larger client reach
By having a website for your business which can be accessed online, you have the potential to reach a worldwide audience. If you have a product or service that can be easily sold online you can dramatically increase your customer base, a website gives you the ability to sell to people outside of your local domain.
It provides proof
91% of people put some faith in customer reviews as part of their buying process. Your website can feature a page solely focused on what past clients have said about working with their business. Yes, most businesses probably only post positive feedback but you can see the companies they have worked with and can give them a call if you still want to find out more. If you don’t have a website that showcases testimonials, how can you expect to reach customers other than friends and friends of a friend who have had a word of mouth recommendation?
You can control your story
A website is heavily focused on showcasing your company brand and message. It’s true that anyone can say anything about your business on social media, however, a website is an area which you have complete control over. It is a platform that you can use to say whatever you want to help customers know who you are as a business. A company website helps business owners get their message, personality and brand in front of their target audience much quicker than any printed ad could.
All your competitors probably have websites
As consumers, we typically start the buying process by carrying out some research. Research into costs, services, quality and testimonials. We look at various competitors to see who can give us the best deal. If your competitors have websites and you don’t, how can what you offer even be considered? Not having a website means you’ll be missing out on business which your competitors will gain.
You never have to be closed
If you are a sole trader or small team you can’t be personally available for your customers 24 hours a day, it’s physically impossible. However, you can run your business 24/7 virtually. By having a website it allows your potential and present customers to have access to your business at any time of the day. A lot of customers will scan the internet after work hours, therefore, a website will allow those people to still see your products and services and still be able to contact you through email. With a business website, you have a 24-hour salesperson working for you.
It’ll allow your business to be detectable
93% of people use search engines to find businesses with particular products and services. By having a website you have the opportunity to be found through random searches, ultimately reaching an audience which you normally wouldn’t be able to reach. When you have a website you are able to increase the chances of appearing on the front pages of search engines through working on keywords, meta descriptions etc. to increase your search engine optimisation (SEO).
Showcase your business
And finally… you can use your website to showcase all your products and services through detailed descriptions, beautiful visuals, captivating videos and various other methods, all helping your potential customer to choose you as the business they want to work with.
Need help setting up a website for your business?
If you haven’t created a website yet or you feel that your website needs an update, here at Chip Web Design we offer various website packages including hosting, website creation, training, updates and maintenance. Our aim is to work closely with you and your business to help create a website that is of quality, that shows your brand and personality and functions how you need it to. Get in touch to find out more